Sunday, April 6, 2008


Start of the semester I assured myself that I will aim for an exchange program next year by devoting myself to studies... more this time round.

Half a semester later I find myself playing vintage games and putting up extra electronic equipments ie. a second PC on the desk to aid 20% in studies and 80% in self amusement. Aside from heading out every second hour, that proved to be the most devastating choice I've made this year. One of those screens has been dedicated to be showing something flashy distracting and delicious consistently.

Whatever happened to the determination? Drowned one's own inability to control oneself. I feel entirely guilty for ruining my own ambition, and my future report card.

Well, I just think that my conscience, or rather, reason has finally caught up and is saying- dude, if you don't do some friggin work about now you're so failed. Which is true considering I have two assignments and four mid-semester tests coming up this week. Awesome, now I have about 7 hours till Monday to repent and perhaps make up some studies.

Fear not, I will stand by my choice and stick it out till the end.

May the force be with me.

-> Ponder your mind carefully and find out what it's really telling you.

Background info for the story below - the ninja indirectly murdered the father of those poor kids, this is how he deals with it.

Aren't ninjas adorable.


One must desire something to be alive.
-Margaret Deland

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