-- Zain - v - University of Technology, Sydney (2007) 15 HC --
Plaintiff Counsel: Zain, Mr
Defence Counsel: None
[1]ZAIN at 324: With the eagerness of a new found instrument and the respect of a fellow scribe it is difficult to read the century odd pages per text where the material to be discussed is a brief overview of the content delved into. The pedantics of each case explored for their own merit in a sea of judicial servitude - and those are only the reported archives! For amidst the masses of day-by-day legal filth lies principle and sentiment and
ratio decidendi. Elements unseen to the untrained eye, sometimes unseen to the trained eye, spool page after page of seemingly endless literature with purpose and promise of its own. How one single word, take "security" for instance, could have dedicated volumes of legal complexity is beyond fathomable magnitude. [2]And we are only getting started. Close your Commonwealth Law Review and turn to page 80 of any respectable finance text and the term has a meaning very different from that of application in legal text. [3]So why? Why I dare ask. Are they named the same... Why force confusion upon those that invest time and fund like a rhythmic equation or spiral of never ending expenditure, never to retain most of what is absorbed and for those pages - not much! For it seems poetic in nature, but poems are not what I am consuming, not from you, not from the institution that governs the very foundations of mine own rationale. [4]It is important that an understanding of some degree is instiled, so I ask again, why void those willing to achieve so much more?
[5]And the response.
[6]Will never yield an answer acceptable to the ears of those in knowing. But how are you to know if you are reading the text that another wrote. Your interpretation be it of substance or otherwise, is of a different nature to that at the time of writing. Context. Context my friend.
[7]Perhaps I should cease reading ahead, swallow the feeling of procrastination and consult an old friend with 10 heros, 5 on each side, battling for the right of the ownerer.
ORDERAppeal dismissed, with costs.