Sunday, March 9, 2008

6 a.m

I lie awake.

Honestly speaking I haven't had a nightmare in quite a while, that's a first in a long time.

Was so chilled and cold in bed so I decided to get up, even though there's still 3 hours till class. Too shaken to attempt to go back to sleep.

I remember the dream so vividly, too graphical to describe, I'll spare the details.

One thing I do recall is the gradual death of friends next to me. Yeah, it's actually debatably more horrifying than watching yourself dying. It made no sense whatsoever, those people would never be at the same place at the same time. Then again, it's a dream, what do I know.

Yan may recall me complaining about not remembering my dreams yesterday, now I'm starting to think it's for the best.

Although it's just a figment of your imagination / memory... waking up actually feels surreal. Or maybe I'm just tired.

Soothing self listening to 'YIRUMA - River flows in you', very neat piece, should try it some time.

Times like these you wish you weren't sleeping alone ;)


When life gives you lemons, squirt juice at people.

-Robert (UT)


Anonymous said...


Ritzy said...

BWHAHAA! squirt lemon juice at people...

i would do that for the fun of it ^^

dont get caught up.
Just live IT =]

Dorth said...
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Dorth said...

That post freaked me. I don't have more than one or two nightmare a year and not really scary ones either. But on that same night, I had about 3 good ones, including one half awake one, those you know your surroundings, yet they merge with the dream and even if you know it,s a dream, you can't break it :S So anyhow, thanks for sharing and making that night even scarier than it was ;P

P.S.: I hate zombies or whatever that can turn family, friends and loved ones against you :S
(stupid non automatic links ^^ )

小良 said...

Ah dorth, are you referring to sleep paralysis? Basically your brain awakes form a REM state but your body is still asleep. Somehow this causes vivid hallucinations that induce an acute sense of danger. This should be quite harmless, but can be annoying when you drift in and out of this state - slowing becoming sleep deprived.

Dorth said...

小良, yes, yes, that's exactly it. I have been quite sick those past few days and the heavy sleep deprivation isn't helping much. Just look at my last comment syntax and structure ^^

See, it's 5 am here right now and I still have to get to sleep. Anyway, hope that heat wave lifts up for you, we here in Canada have had the second biggest amount of snowfall in recorded history and it's not over yet ;) Only a mere 30 cm separates us from the record and there's at least one more snow tempest coming ^^

Anyway, back to sleep paralysis. I'm rather good at recognizing the dream world from within, I had a couple of nightmares I just needed to escape as a kid, and can pretty much awaken myself from any dream. Even paralysis, I can break partially. But it is extremely strenuous and painful to do so (try, if you ever have the bad luck of having it happen to you). If I'm lucky and someone is nearby, I can try and yell as much as I can in my dream, which will usually be just enough to make me talk in real life. If I'm alone, then I have to do it the really hard way, which is REALLY opening your eyes, move whatever muscle is available and inflict pain to myself through pinching, pressing, biting or such. with enough perception from the real world, the mind snaps out of it and you're left with the pain equivalent of a violent work out.

Fun all around ;)

Sleep well.

Dorth said...

(BTW, look at that. YOU need to... to MYSELF. I'm getting dumber the second now.)

anyway, just wanted to add:
a nice article on the subject.
This quote "As Alan Worsley has stated about the lucid dream state, though somewhat paralyzed, there is a bit of an ability to control the twitching and spasms." maybe explains better what I meant earlier. You have to use that little control you got and basically fight your body for control, then direct it on a very specific task.

G'night ;)

Penguin said...